The domain name is based on my actual maiden name: JacKie Lee Chow.
Sometimes I draw.
Sometimes I design.
Sometimes I explore.
Sometimes I make mistakes… …many mistakes. But part of learning is being smart about those mistakes.
Before, I taught full classrooms in a public high school about reading, writing, ‘rithmetic (yes, both; I’m dual credentialed), and journalism/publishing/yearbook. But mostly, I tried to give my students some tools to use in their lives. Again, sometimes it worked (a little too well, some became cognizant that they were being taught a lesson that was not in the books…kudos to them). Sometimes it didn’t. Though I have been around long enough to see some of my students mature and become wonderful people. Kudos to you too, and I hope the very best for you.
Now, I have a lovely little girl. For her, I am determining what and where and how I should go about life. If you’d like to share some positive and encouraging advice, I’d love to hear it.
In the meanwhile, take care.
Be good.
Do good.
Jackie Solinsky (Chow)
aka. Ms. Chow/Missee Chow/Kachow